Monday, March 30, 2009

Game Over / Continue & GDC

So, I finally got home from GDC. During my stay I got to do a talk at Independent Games Summit, a very small acting performance complementing a much grander act by Petri Purho, as well as a quick game for Giant Robot. Productivity wise that's not bad compared to last year.

The talk went great, (for some weird reason) I wasn't as nervous as I would've expected at all. And people actually came up to me and said they liked my talk afterwards, so that felt really good to me, as I had been really nervous about it the days before.

People who want to see it badly can grab a bootleg copy floating around on The Pirate Bay (or watch a stream of it here, courtesy of Noobfarm), and my slides are available here (although a lot of it won't make sense without narration).

The Giant Robot thing went well too. I got teamed up with a great cat loving artist, called Deth P Sun, which is basically the coolest name I've ever heard. I programmed the game the night before the event, and for the first time did joypad input for a weird arcade hotseat experience. Unfortunately, the game is currently Giant Robot exclusive (along with Anna Anthropy's, Derek Yu's and Petri Purho's way more awesome games). The game has not been bootlegged yet either, so you guys will have to go to SF to play it (or something, I really don't know). Ask Adam Robezzoli, who was the awesome dude who set it up.

If you haven't already, you should have a look at Derek's awesome write up of the Indie Game Maker Rant. The last part about Petri Purho's attempt at making a game in five minutes was one of the conference's highlights for sure, and Derek managed to paint a really vivid picture of it using his delicate way with words. The other rants were also awesome, so basically you should read the whole thing.

Finally, I would like to say that I was so happy that my good friend Erik Svedäng won the grandprize with his amazing game Bluberry Garden.

I could say a lot more, because GDC this year has been one of the most amazing things that has happened to me... But there are so many people and events to thank for that, that I'm scared to even try to list them. I'm already looking forward to next year!


  1. I loved playing this strange videogame. It looked great, with neat sprite designs and a stylish, grainy film effect. I didn't know exactly how to play, nevertheless I think I beat a friend who was playing with me.

  2. What's super sad is that I live in SF and couldn't come to the conference. I read the summary of your talk though -- inspiring and absurd, just the way I like it. Wish I could have made it.

  3. For anyone that wants to see Jonatan's lecture, you can now see watch it streaming online at

  4. It's so cool you made a game for Giant Robot magazine. I picked one up in an airport once, and now it's one of my favorite offbeat mags. Also, very awesome presentation, a joy to watch!

  5. It was lovely meeting you at GDC. It's always very encouraging to me to spend time with people who are creatively alive. Keep up the good work.

  6. Wow.

    I'm watching your four-hour game panel thing, and I'm finding it really interesting.

    You've really made some valid points about independent game developing, and have some great tips on development.

    I'm pretty inspired. Great job!

  7. It was lovely meeting you at GDC. It's always very encouraging to me to spend time with people who are creatively alive. Keep up the good work.

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    Keep posting :)

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