Saturday, July 10, 2010

No More Sweden Game

I made a game at No More Sweden. It's a somewhat short "metroidvania" that kind of looks like The Power by Alexitron (not on purpose, it just happened). I haven't added sounds and I'll add a boss or two before I put it up online.


  1. Cool. Really like the aesthetic. And the elephants.

  2. hell yeah, so happy you are back on making games

    makes me want to donate something, but my currency is 3,8 times weaker than the dollar, wich is bullshit

    sorry pal D:

  3. thanks for being strong and keeping making games. you are my inspiration, don't stop dreaming <3

  4. Hear, hear. I second (and third) the previous comments.

  5. Nice news that you've started releasing games again, but please... we NEED another Mondo game!!

  6. Agree with comment about the Mondo games. It's just such a compelling style, and I dream of a Mondo game that's longer and deeper than the previous ones. Actually, I dream of any Cactus game that would take more than 10 minutes to complete. Something... epic.

  7. This looks pretty awesome, I like the graphic style. Nice elephants.

    Also, do you have a date for when Norrland's getting released online? It's been about a month.

  8. a nightmare yep, therefore pleased you're rear about doing activities

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