Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dear Agent

Dear Agent is the game I made for BTH's Game Jam. It's short and to the point. Music by Curt Cool.


I didn't have time to fully playtest it, so there might be some bugs in the game. Will fix as soon as possible if I get any reports!


  1. Link seems to be down.

  2. Updated the game a second ago. Might be that? Game had a serious bug which skipped the last level. Now it's fixed. Let me know if there's any other problems with the game!

  3. Text is far too small in the game on certain resolutions. My resolution is 1440x900. With the shifting background I really have to strain to read. My eyes are burning after only a few minutes X_x

    Also, esc should never just shut down a game, it should load up a confirmation of do you want to quit probably.

    Liking it besides these problematic issues.

  4. Mashing C to advance to the next level, as you advance, lets you spam appear in the level. Just a little glitch

  5. In the first level the mission intro dialogue popped up as I finished

  6. I'm really digging this one. The limited ammo means you have to plan before you rush in lasers a-blazin'. And of course any game that lets me win by pyroclastic flow is A+ in my book.

    I'm noticing a bug, though: If you open up the exit on a level, but die before reaching the exit, you seem to win the level anyway. I'm guessing this is unintentional, since there wouldn't be any point in having the exits if they weren't required.

    On the other hand, I kind of like it, because I'm always painting myself in a corner.

  7. Thanks guys! Fixed those bugs (I hope)!

  8. i like how the lava thing flows killing everything, man i love your games

    bests of lucks with life/death/island

  9. Hey, some of your international fans have qwertz keyboards, make y also fire lazor please.

    Good game, far too short, massive puzzle potential that was wasted, any chance of a level editor?

  10. Please please please make a full screen mode. I too am suffering from terrible eyestrain (1680*1050) and what kind of sadist sets black pixel fonts on scrolling dark grey/light grey.

  11. better, back to work on Brain Damaged Toon Underworld cactus...

  12. ___________________________________________
    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Create Event
    for object objEsc:

    Error defining an external function.

    I'm on Vista. Might be the reason.

  13. It's alright, I guess. Like everyone said: Buggy, and a bit hard to play due to the nonstandard resolution/font size.

    Shut up, Anonymous, we're waiting for the third Mondo game and L/D Island ;)

  14. I hate bitching about comments that bitch, but I'm just in that mood today.

    Do take a minute to consider what you're typing before you post comments.

    This game was made for a game jam. I was invited there, and hence decided to honor that invitation by making a game. I could've spent those five hours working on something else, yes. But most likely I would've spent those hours in bed, sleeping.

    If you would've preferred to see me sleep for those five hours instead, feel free to complain. But don't think for a moment that those five hours would've resulted in a new Mondo game, BDTUW, LDI or any other of my longer projects being finished and released. That is just wishful thinking and makes me feel like maybe I should just skip releasing any new game I make along the way while working on other things.

    Thankfully there are positive or constructive posts that makes it worth spending my time to share what I've created, regardless if it's something amazing or something moderately decent.

    Sorry about bitching back, I'm probably just stressed, hungry and tired.

  15. Great game!

    If you get an error message before the game starts, try running it as an administrator.

  16. Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the game jam and that matters more than a bunch of ungrateful internetpeople going "blah blah blah go back to XYZ", right? I wasn't blown away by that game, but some of your mini-projects did blow me away (Ultramission <3), so it's always good to see them out of the closet.

    Sweet dreams :>

  17. Awesome concept! I really enjoy your destructible oriented games. Music is perfect as always

  18. I love what I've played of this so far. I was really excited when I realised I could shoot through scenery, and then when I noticed the trapped lava! I love your games that allow the player to adjust the level themselves, either by destroying things or by placing things (Krebswelte, Block On). I will come back to this tomorrow when it's not 2.40am and I can give it my full attention - but well done and thanks for sharing!

  19. P.S. I meant to say: I've been stressed out and worried by a lot of things recently and this game really cheered me up - so double thanks :)

  20. Nice game. I would've liked a few more levels, but hey, considering it was made in five hours the game is quite impressive.

  21. cool game especially for how quickly it was made. I'm always impressed at how quickly you can make a good game. While a good game a full screen mode would make it easier on the eyes.

  22. Jesus man, I am in awe. 5 hours to make something so slick and playable, with (as always) spot on music. Time to put some more money in your beer fund. Thanks for sharing.

  23. A quick bug: when you die after opening the teleporter, pressing 'c' doesn't do anything, so you can't restart.

    ...Come to think of it, would 'r' have worked in that situation? Anyway, just thought you should know, since the game does prompt you to press 'c' after death.

  24. Hi, just thought I'd post how much fun the game was! The concept was really compelling and executed perfectly: there's nothing quite like planning how to reshape the environment to affect lava-flow and obliterate all the enemies.

    I also noticed the "Press c to restart" bug - if you've activated the teleporter and die, you can't press "c" to restart. But you can press "r" instead, so it's not a huge problem.

    Anyway, keep up the good work! I'm very impressed, especially since you did this in such a short space of time.

  25. The link is broken and unable to open.

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