Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nordic Game Jam + More Mac Ports! + Misc

Yeah, I know you're waiting for the Mondo game and whatever else, but I can only update with what I've actually got! Mondo X-mas will be released soon, I've got it to around 50% made, the only thing that isn't there is actual gameplay, sadly.

So here's what I've got instead; a horribly crappy game about Nordic Game Jam. It's a joke game, although some of it is somewhat accurate. I enjoyed the event a lot, but I couldn't resist poking fun at it when I failed to finish the more serious project I started. I also made a trailer so you wouldn't have to actually play the game.


Further more, the ever awesome L has provided me with two more Mac ports and even sent me slimmed down versions of Clean Asia!, Fractal Fighter and Illegal Communications that he ported earlier.

So here's Burn the Trash and Block On! for Mac users:



Also, I edited a video of my acceptance speech at IGF last year for a talk I gave and decided to upload it to YouTube. So I can finally post it on my blog without having to link the vid of the entire event.

Tomorrow I think another one of my games will be released! And I'll leave you with a screenshot of my work in progress for the TIGSource competition.


  1. You are a tease and we love you, and that game you are on now for what i can see taste like outlaw for the atari. Is it going to be multiplayer?

  2. I also sent you a Stench Mechanics port... where is it?

  3. Whoops! Good thing you noticed! :O

  4. I can't believe Keita Takahashi ripped off your Nuovo Award acceptance speech and tried to pass it off as his own keynote for the Global Game Jam.

    For shame!


  5. Could you fix the broken Mondo Xmas link?

  6. Never mind; didn't see the update in the post! *Facepalm*

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