Tuesday, October 18, 2011


A collaboration between me, Fucking Werewolf ASSO (Music, Graphics), my brother (Cover Art), and gbsr (SFX).

DOWNLOAD (PC): http://cactusquid.com/games/FWA.zip
DOWNLOAD (MAC): http://cactusquid.com/games/fwamac.zip

A big thanks to L for the Mac port!


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Gregor Nekdo said...

The mac version of the rar thing only has a gmk file, no excecutables or anything :(

Anonymous said...

this game is the most confusing
thing i have seen in a long time


Anonymous said...

Yeah the mac version doesn't work nor does it have a manual to help install

Anonymous said...

Mac version dosen't seem to be working/

Anonymous said...

such a random nice thing.

Btw, to run in mac download Game Maker Lite and open the .gmk file.

Anonymous said...

from the comments i dont think downloading Game Maker is worth this game expecially since I make all my games with Unity 3D easier to use and better games plus it is free

Anonymous said...

No, screw it.

guille said...

wow, this is pure and total awesomeness!! 7 stars!

Anonymous said...

please fix your description, your game is avaliable for WINDOWS and OSX not for PC and MAC

Anonymous said...

why is the mac version a .rar but the PC version a .zip? Couldn't they both be .zips?

cactus said...

Fixing MAC version now. Sorry about that!

Atomizer said...

My god. This is like, playing a mix of different games while being on an acid trip. Mind = Blown!

Anonymous said...

I've been earwormed right in the face.
Also, I've seen the CD twice, and it's been eluding me ever since.

Peter said...

Excellent game--maybe my favorite of yours so far--but the CD's bonus doesn't appear to work. Something I'm missing?

Dennis (fucking werewolf asso) said...

Dennis from fucking werewolf here. uploading the bonus pack as we speak!!! so check back to the adresse in a while and it should appear... sorry for the delay!

psychoticBacofoil said...

Thanks Dennis,I was wondering where it was,trying to use the code on the album sitting there. XD
Also,any reason why Part 2 of the bonus pack was uploaded first?

Dennis (fucking werewolf asso) said...

both partI and II are uploaded now! hope all works! enjoy;)

Unknown said...

Thanks man, good work. Sorry you have douchebags commenting on your blog. =/

Dark Acre Jack said...

So gay.

O Ladino said...

Best game I've ever played.


Arla said...

Tried this on Wine on Ubuntu, just got a white screen.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I don't get what to do in the stage after collecting the skeleton... Any help? And what is the CD bonus you're talking about?

Nick said...

Thank you so much for continuing to make games that are FUN! This made my day.

Anonymous said...

This is what indie games should be all about. Great title too.

Elliot said...




Anonymous said...

Loving the style of the game, but playing the Windows version, I get a 'Failed to initialize Direct Music Audio' dialog when starting the game. The game still runs, but the music stops upon any sound effect being played.

Anonymous said...

never mind, figured the direct music thing out - just had to close HsMgr via the task manager.

Anonymous said...


Tom said...

Playing the Mac version and lovin' it! Great GFX and music/SFX.
Kudos and thanks, guys!

P.S. Awesome cover art as well, but the link to the large version of the back cover image doesn't seem to be working.

Anonymous said...

Buggers - got a bug in the Win-Version:

(Haven't unzipped the files but started it right from within the zip, maybe that's the problem...)

I got an "Error defining an external function" - ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event of object objWerewolf3D: Error defining external function.

Just at the end of the Werewolf=Saw-section.

Hope you can debug it - I love me a game with Werewolf=Saw-section.

And because this all sounds too technical, lemme say: That thing there? That thing is on the good side of fucked up.

Anonymous said...

the unzipping of the game is most likly the problem...

you need to unzip the folder and both the files in it (both the game and the surfacefix.dll)

try that and see if it works

Ori Takemura said...

Windows 7 - black screen after i hit play... nothing happens tried multiple times executed as administrator..

Matt said...

This game is pretty cool. Catchy tunes. Can't beat the damn boss though...

Anonymous said...

Where can i get full music?

Anonymous said...

This is so spectacular, I can't sleep now!

Anonymous said...

Congratu-fucking-lations; first game I've played in a long time that made a huge smile burst out of my facehole!

CTSG said...

Is game really supposted to crash after beating the boss? ;] Anyway, awesome game. Greets from Poland!

Anonymous said...

How do I kill the boss?

Varka said...

Is there an available upload for the song already?

Anonymous said...

First off this is the biggest wtf moment Ive had in a long time and I say that in the best possible way,

HOwever Im having some problems, when the timer hits zero I always get this error message about interacting with a bad surface or something like that. Did I get a bad download?

And the timer for the wolf saw part hits zero after only a few runners have fallen down so its impossible or am I doing something wrong..

Anonymous said...

I'm running windows 7 and it crashes straight after running argh.

Unknown said...

A friend just showed this to me. I was thinking of going to sleep for work tomorrow. Apparently this plan was to be never fulfilled. Awesome game, fun music.

dżabb said...

one of the best music videos i've seen lately.

vyxor said...


Unknown said...

Can I have another mirror? I'm trying to download but the speed varies from 42kbps to 40bps :/

cactus said...

Alternate links:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/859712/FWA.zip (PC)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/859712/fwamac.zip (Mac)

surFkurChy said...

this is a really badass game !
Will you be updating this game any ?
I think you all should put this up on kickstarter or quirky to raise money to fund the development of this game. and also have some incentives to donate, like credits , t shirts , stickers, and stuff !

Justin said...

Great game but I'm not noticing any sound effects on my win xp system

Anonymous said...

Very good piece. Unique integration music/gameplay.

Anonymous said...

I'm scared.

Mister Scoops said...

Super sweet!

Table said...

I love this, it may be the first MusicVideo/Game I've ever played (ever made?) and it's great. Love everything about it, make more!!!!!

Table said...

Also, and this is not related, but while checking out some of your older games today, played Psychosomnium and noticed that the Adult Swim game Soul Brother stole took both its gameplay and art style from it. Soul Brother is a cool game, made by a good designer, but wondering if you knew about this?

Rage Digital Download said...

I really liked the name of the game. Sounds really funny and accurate according to the theme and effects shown.

Eelfroth said...

The music perfectly fits the style of cactus' games. This game is such awesome promotion, i'm even willing to give the band money!

DrFent said...

that's so damn hard.
i wish i had an opportunity to start with the same level where i died.

Anonymous said...

Once u realize how to beat each level, there is no excuse for death. It's not hard.

Anonymous said...

ost is pure awesomeness

Vayne Rumar said...

Crazy awesome as usual dude.

What on earth inspired you to make it?

Download Games said...

Yeah, it became really attractive, cool thing

Hento the loony repairman :D said...

this is the best game i have playe din my whole life D:

Anonymous said...

more batshit than usual


ROCKY said...

How do I get the bonus?

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But i personally like that a lot

ERP Software said...

Thats called great stuff and wonderful work

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Anonymous said...

Definitely going to be showing you some cash love soon. I feel like I'm stealing every time I play yet another slice of genius from you.

Jake Clover said...

Great idea, really cool. so you didn't do the art cactus? some of it looks like yours.

viagra online said...

pure awesomeness, thanks!

Brandon said...

I feel like something isn't working right. On stage II I can only move up and down, and I can't run at the people, is that normal? I don't think so, because even if I kill all the people that fall down, time runs out before I have 6 of them. My arm is sore from drumming Z and X to get to stage II lol. let me know if this is a bug.

HerrEmil said...

The second part becomes impossible if your computer lags, the people won't fall down fast enough for you to get 6 in time :/ But that just made beating the game more rewarding, it's been a while since I played anything nintendo hard :)

Eliot said...

Wonderful. This is my favorite Cactus game yet. It works as a music video AND as a game perfectly.
Less talk, more rock. B)

NNN said...

didn't work at win7 starter. loading message appears, and then game crashes with "unexpected error":( could anybody help me?

Anonymous said...

I cant download bonus pack ;( can somebosy send it to me ? pls :D email: bert32/at/o2.pl

Anonymous said...

FYI, AVG is reporting your site as an attack site (black hat phisher).

: (

StWolf said...

Your every game is an experience of art. You are realy remarkable person. I love You for creating games, which makes my mind confused, surprised and excited at the same time. They leave more nice memories, than a 1mln$ budget plastic game without soul. Their oddity just perfectly suits my taste. Level of difficulty is very satisfactory, opposite to most of current games. You are genius in my eyes. Wish you all the best ;]

richardfuckinghicks said...

Read through all the comments, and I'm happy I didn't run into any errors myself, but I would have loved to have some insight to the boss.


god damn it. I'm never gonna stop .

Anonymous said...

Great game. Thanks for the Mac Port.
Can't wait for Life Death Island!!!
Please sell it on the app store!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, when I go to the url for the cd bonus, I get a 404 page.

Anyone else getting this?

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That's definitely a scary wolf!

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Affiliate Network said...

Hey! Do you know in the event that they make any plugins to protect against hackers? I am kinda paranoid about losing everything I have worked hard on. Any recommendations?

mondopr0n said...

On my mac I can't even jump on the first stage, how's that possible? and in the second stage I get some kinda strange-error messages when pressing x or z.....any glue guys?

A Kermode Bear said...

This game is all kinds of awesome insanity. I can't beat Unicrush though! Arg!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see more like this, cactus. I'd love it alot

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Älskar detta.
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Ellaguru said...

cool indie rock soundtrack and nice game

Fab said...

Great game - let's make a fanpage to share our feelings to each other:

CyberPunk said...

This game is awesome, I couldn't stop playing it until I beat it.

Can I ask you what tools do you use to make a game like this one? I'd like to start making my own games and don't know where to start.

Mike Monroe said...

God dammit I want to like this game so hard, but it's such an asshole.

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prOw said...

OSX Mountain Lion here...

“Keyboard Drumset Fucking Werewolf.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

Mukarram said...

amazing game - i'm lovin it!

Julie said...

Works fine on Mac/10.6.8 (who updates?)

aarp said...

Not working on my pc as well. I am bored to play only

BarbieIzle said...

I love this work. Reay cool

Dora said...

Good game design works.

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Realy great games.


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Failed to load the game data. File seems corrupted.
This shows when opening .exe :( Windows 7 x64, if someone asks

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Fixing MAC version now. Sorry about that!

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Says that my file is broken and should be moved to the trash.. D:

Ren said...

the game hace no music :c

Anonymous said...

the game doesn't reproduce the music :c

Unknown said...

its awesome but doesnt get past the 2nd level for me though :[ an error pops up

Unknown said...

So so so so so sosososososos SOOOOO so EPIC!


Unknown said...

You have to do a Linux version, this is epic ! :D

Unknown said...

You have to do a Linux version, thi is epic ! :D

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Anonymous said...

the game ends up saying error when i end the 2nd part. can you fix it?

Anonymous said...

please make it available for linux too

05847195 said...

Best game ever. I finally get that Bonus CD, but I'll continue playing it!

Anonymous said...

lol the game is really funny but its too hard when you have to click the buttons s and x

Anonymous said...

uhm guys, I really want to play this game, but when i download it for mac, it says that the file is damaged and that i should move it to the bin ):

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

i run wondows vista n the music isnt working,can i turn it on by manually or its like this?

Anonymous said...

On windows version i cant hear any music , only main menu music

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Anonymous said...

No mac??



Anonymous said...

Fantastic, all around. Amazing game, unbelievablely great song and the two blend together so well. Thank you for the nine hours of gameplay!

Anonymous said...

anyone having trouble getting the music to play during the game?

Werewolf for Life said...

The mac version works PERFECTLY!
Only one thing: How can I play it windowed?

Anonymous said...

(PC) I'm in slice humans mission and I finish that mission but the error is coming help me (and sorry for my bad english)

Unknown said...

BOO YAH! GOT THE BONUS! Awesom game bro. Keep the good work down or up or straight or left or something I dont know..

Anonymous said...

For some reason, it doesn't seem to be working on my computer. I'm using Windows and it seems to confuse game overs at random times. I can't progress any farther from chasing and cutting up the guys as the werewolf. Here's the error message:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object objGameOver:

Trying to use non-existing surface.

This happened the first time while playing the ice level normally, and the noise scared me at first, but when I tried again and got an actual Game Over screen I realized that was the game over sound playing also. If I close the message out, it closes the entire game. Is there any fix for this at all?

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Anonymous said...

in the PC version, after i kill people i can't continue. What do i do?

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