Well, I figured I should start posting news more frequently, which is why I decided to create this blog.
In december I'm planning to make a game 'together' with
Messhof. We're actually making two separate games, but they're based around the same concept. It's gonna be interesting to see how the two turn out.
I'm also working on Mondo Nation, which will be a compilation of the three Mondo games I've made so far (actually, the third is far from finished yet). Hopefully I'll get a chance to update it for IGF.
Further more, I've been discussing a collaboration with my brother. Wether it'll be a game or something else is yet to be determined. I'm very proud of my brother and his creativeness. He's a lot better than me in many respects. Hopefully you'll get a chance to see that for yourselves.
Lo-Fi Minds most likely has a few releases lined up for this month. Sadly they do not include
Brain-Damaged Toon Underworld, which has suffered a bit from the personal crisis I've had these last few months. I'd expand on it, but I doubt anyone's interested in hearing about it.