Saturday, October 23, 2010

BTH Game Jam

I was invited to Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (a university in southern Sweden) to hold a small talk and participate in a game jam. It was a lot of fun, and probably the most generously organized game jam in the history of game jams.

Petri Purho was there to give a talk as well, and he talked about how limitations in games can cultivate creativity. It was an inspiring talk and as usual it was very fun to listen to. I talked a bit about what to think about when you want to finish a game in a short period of time, basically a modified version of my 4 Hour Game Design talk I gave at GDC.

After that the game jam started of with a design competition where everyone got to draw a motive for a shirt that would be printed as an official gift to everyone participating in the jam. My entry split first place together with another one by Martin Jonasson (grapefrukt).

I also made a game, but ended up not winning the game jam. I'm happy with the results though, and the game that won did deserve it. I'll release the game tomorrow, got to add sounds and some small things before it's ready to be played. Meanwhile, here's a preview:


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Walatra Bersih Wanita - Solusi Semua Masalah Kewanitaan

Unknown said...

Menstrual problems are not smooth / irregular can soon be overcome with herbal medicine "Walatra Bersih Wanita". More info visit our website, Thank you

Obat Herbal Untuk Melancarkan Haid Terbukti Paling Ampuh

Unknown said...

Good news for nervous sufferers. QnC Jelly Gamat is able to cure the total nerve absorption without any side effects. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Syaraf Kejepit Herbal 100% Alami Terbukti Ampuh

Unknown said...

Walatra Bersih Wanita, is the best solution for those of you who have problems with irregular menstruation. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Mujarab Untuk Atasi Masalah Haid Yang Tidak Teratur

Unknown said...

Alternative solution for you kidney stone sufferers who want to get well, try consumption of herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. Usefulness has proven effective. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Herbal Penghancur Batu Ginjal Paling Ampuh Tanpa Operasi

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat the best solution to speed healing or drying surgical wound. Product quality is 100% original and natural guaranteed. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Pengering Luka Operasi yang Sudah Terverifikasi BPOM dan MUI

Unknown said...

Menorrhagia or prolonged menstruation can be overcome with herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Untuk Menghentikan Haid Yang Berkepanjangan

Unknown said...

Walatra Bersih Wanita is a special herbal product to address various health problems in women, 100% natural. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Walatra Bersih Wanita - Solusi Semua Masalah Kewanitaan

Unknown said...

Overcome all feminine problems including bartholin cysts with one solution that is Walatra Bersih Wanita. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Cara Mengobati Kista Bartholin Tanpa Operasi 100% Alami

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat the best and safest solution for you who have undergone the operation process in order to get well soon. Thank you

Obat Pengering Luka Operasi Yang SUdah Terverifikasi BPOM dan MUI

Unknown said...

Pain in the wound is reasonable, but causes discomfort. To overcome the consumption of herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. Why QnC Jelly Gamat? visit our website for more information. Thank you..

Cara Mengatasi Nyeri Pada Luka Bekas Operasi

Unknown said...

Injuries in diabetics can recover quickly with herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Cara Mengobati Luka Pada Penderita Diabetes 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Walatra Bersih Wanita is here to help you overcome various problems of womanhood like whiteness naturally. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Cara Mudah Tuntaskan Masalah Keputihan 100% Alami

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat traditional medicine wound healer 100% natural operation, three times faster wound healing & safe with no side effects. More info visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Tradisional Penyembuh Luka Operasi 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Asthma or shortness of breath can be quickly resolved by consuming herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. For complete information, visit our website. Thank you..

Obat Sesak Nafas 100% Alami dan Sudah Terbukti Ampuh

Unknown said...

Believe it or not that cysts can be eradicated without surgery? What is the solution? Only an herbal remedy from golden sea cucumber extract. For complete information visit our website. Thank you..

Obat Tradisional yang Bisa Basmi Kista Tanpa Operasi 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Traditional medicine to speed up the healing process after caesarean section with "QnC Jelly Gamat". For complete information, visit our website. Thank you..

Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Caesar 100% Aman

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat Herbal Medicine is highly recommended for those of you who have an infection in a cesarean section wound. For complete information visit our website. Thank you...

Obat Luka Operasi Caesar Yang Bernanah 100% Alami

Unknown said...

QnC Herbal Medicine Gamat Jelly is highly recommended for those of you who have had tonsillectomy. For complete information visit our website. Thank you...

Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Amandel

Unknown said...

QnC Gamat Jelly, cesarean section wound drying drug 100% natural and safe. For complete information visit our website. Thank you..

Obat Pengering Luka Operasi Caesar

Obat Herbal Denature said...

Menghilangkan Kutil Pada KelaminJadi Apa Pilihan Pengobatan Yang Baik Untuk Kutil Kelamin Pria? Beberapa metode pengobatan yang dapat dicoba untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini adalah melalui penggunaan krim dan salep. Selain itu bisa juga dengan resep dokter lain yang tujuanya untuk memusnahkan kutil tersebut. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungblog kami

obat herbal untuk wasir eksternalWasir tidak dapat menyebabkan kanker dubur. Dalam beberapa kasus yang jarang

Unknown said...

Traditional herbal medicine "QnC Gamat Jelly" is the best solution to help speed up the healing process after a caesarean section. For complete information visit our website. Thank you

Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Caesar 100% Alami dan Aman

Unknown said...

The efficacy of "QnC Jelly Gamat" is very good for body health, one of which is able to treat shortness of breath quickly. For complete information visit our website. Thank you

Obat Sesak Nafas 100% Alami dan Sudah Terbukti Ampuh

Unknown said...

What are you waiting for? QnC Natural Medicine Gamat Jelly has been proven to cure surgical wounds 3 times faster. Immediately visit the website ..

QnC Jelly Gamat 3X Lebih Cepat Sembuhkan Luka Operasi Caesar

Unknown said...

The natural medicine "QnC Jelly Gamat" is able to treat sinusitis until it is completely healed. Check out the complete information on our website, please visit. Thank you

Obat Sinusitis Herbal Terbukti Sembuh Total

Unknown said...

Natural medicine "QnC Jelly Gamat" is able to treat asthma in children quickly and without side effects. Complete information about our website, thank you

Obat Asma Untuk Anak 100% Alami dan Aman Tanpa Efek Samping

Unknown said...

Walatra Bersih Wanita is here to help you overcome various feminine problems naturally, such as irregular menstrual problems. For complete information visit our website, thank you.

Obat Mujarab Untuk Atasi Masalah Haid yang Tidak Teratur

Unknown said...

Herbal remedies "QnC Jelly Gamat" the best solution to speed healing after hemorrhoid surgery. For complete information visit our website, thank you

Obat Herbal Pasca Operasi Wasir

Unknown said...

Natural medicine "QnC Jelly Gamat" is able to cure caesarean section wounds 3 times faster and without side effects. Complete information about our website, thank you

Obat Pengering Luka Operasi Caesar 100% Herbal Alami

Unknown said...

Natural remedy "QnC Jelly Gamat" can accelerate healing and recovery after surgery for hemorrhoids naturally and without side effects. Complete information about our website, thank you

Obat Pasca Operasi Wasir 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Walatra Bersih Wanita is here to help you overcome various feminine problems naturally, such as excessive menstruation. For complete information visit our website, thank you.

Obat Herbal Untuk Menghentikan Haid Berlebihan

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat is a 100% natural herbal health product that is created to maintain a healthy body, including healthy bones and joints. For complete information, please visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Pengapuran Tulang Alami yang Sudah Terbukti Ampuh

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat is a health product made from 100% natural herbal which is created to maintain a healthy body, including to speed recovery after cesarean section. For complete information, please visit our website, Thank you.

Testimoni QnC Jelly Gamat Sebagai Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Caesar

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat is a health product made from 100% natural herbs that are created to maintain a healthy body, including to overcome stomach problems such as chronic ulcers. For complete information, please visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Maag Kronis Alami Paling Ampuh dan Tanpa Efek Samping

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat is a health product made from 100% natural herbs that are created to maintain a healthy body. Highly recommended as traditional medicine after cesarean section. For complete information, please visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Caesar 100% Alami dan Aman

Unknown said...

QnC Jelly Gamat is a health product made from 100% natural herbs that are created to maintain a healthy body. Highly recommended as traditional medicine after appendicitis. For complete information, please visit our website, Thank you.

Obat Tradisional Setelah Operasi Usus Buntu

Unknown said...

Natural way to reduce pain after caesarean section by consuming herbal medicine QnC Jelly Gamat. What is QnC Jelly Gamat? for more info please visit our website. Thank you..

Cara Alami Mengurangi Rasa Nyeri Setelah Operasi Caesar

Unknown said...

Caesarean section pain and festering? let's fix it immediately by consuming the herbal extract of golden sea cucumber extract "QnC Jelly Gamat". For complete information visit our website, thank you.

Luka Operasi Caesar Nyeri dan Bernanah? Inilah Cara Mengatasinya..

Unknown said...

Worried about the problem of colds that don't go away or often recur? We recommend herbal remedies "QnC Jelly Gamat" to overcome them. For complete information visit our website, thank you

Obat Pilek Menahun Alami Terbaik dan Terampuh 100% Sembuh Total

Unknown said...

Worried about an infection in your cesarean section? We recommend herbal remedies "QnC Jelly Gamat" which can heal wounds three times faster. For complete information visit our website, thank you

Inilah Tanda-Tanda Infeksi Pada Luka Bekas Operasi Caesar

Unknown said...

Worried that your caesarean section is open again? We recommend herbal remedies "QnC Jelly Gamat" which can heal wounds three times faster. For complete information visit our website, thank you

Catat Ya! Ini Cara Agar Jahitan Operasi Caesar Tidak Terbuka Lagi

Unknown said...

A natural post-caesarean medicine that quickly heals wounds and is safe without side effects? The answer is only "QnC Jelly Gamat. Want to know more info? Visit our website. Thank you.

Obat Pasca Operasi Caesar, 3 Kali Lebih Cepat Sembuhkan Luka

Unknown said...

For those of you who have had a caesarean section, it is highly recommended to consume QnC Jelly Gamat as a fast, safe and natural caesarean section drying drug. For complete information visit our website, thank you.

Obat Pengering Luka Operasi Caesar Yang Cepat, Aman & Alami

Unknown said...

After appendicitis, the consumption of herbal medicine "QnC Jelly Gamat" has been shown to be effective in accelerating wound healing & healing of the body after surgery. More info visit our website. Thank you

Obat Setelah Operasi Usus Buntu 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Have a surgical wound that is difficult to heal? Don't let it get worse. Immediately resolve with "QnC Jelly Gamat" medicine for surgical wound drying 100% Natural. More info visit our website, thank you.

Obat Pengering Luka Pasca Operasi Wasir 100% Alami

Unknown said...

The solution to quickly recover after appendicitis surgery by consuming herbal QnC Jelly Gamat ingredients. For complete information, please visit our website, thank you

Obat Luka Pasca Operasi Usus Buntu 100% Alami

Unknown said...

Frequent pain during menstruation? Pain so severe? Be careful, you may have endometriosis cysts. Immediately resolve with herbal medicine "QnC Jelly Gamat". For complete information, please visit our website, thank you.

Sering Nyeri Saat Haid? Hati-Hati, Bisa Jadi Kista Endometriosis

Unknown said...

Want your stitches to heal quickly? We recommend herbal medicine "QNC JELLY GAMAT" which has been proven to be effective 3 times faster to heal wounds. More info, visit our website. Thank you...

Obat Herbal Agar Luka Jahitan Cepat Sembuh

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