Thursday, December 3, 2009

GAMMA IV + Donations

Finished my GAMMA IV entry the other day. I don't think I'm allowed to release it at the moment so I made yet another trailer. Feels kinda crappy to finally finish a game and not get to release it, but I do enjoy making trailers so it's not that bad.

Also, I'm broke and need money for rent, dentist and beer. So feel free to donate. Anyone who donates using the button below will automatically receive the current version of the GAMMA IV entry (hopefully this won't disqualify me). It's short, hard and might throw an error on some computers, just so you know.


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Andy Moore said...

Too bad the music won't be on the show floor. It's really adding a lot to this game, I love it to bits.

Thermoptic said...

This looks amazing! Great design. im thinking of donating. Just need to know if there is any music in the game? I really hope the track in the trailer is included in the game.

cactus said...

The track is included. Used without permission unfortunately :/

cactus said...

If anyone donates and doesn't receive the file, let me know :)

Pauli Kohberger said...

So does that mean that your Paypal account is working for you again? I remember I donated to you about a year ago or so, and was bummed because of the technical difficulties.

Thermoptic said...

Great that the music is included! I have donated (a few hours ago). Looking forward to testing the game.

Michael Todd said...

I got a download link at once after donating. I'd msg him for a link if you still don't have one.

hydra9 said...

I do have one important question: How do I play it? Do I need an X360 pad? I'm currently looking at it, listening to it, but I can't work out which key to press ;)

hydra9 said...

Ah! Nevermind :) 'Space' works fine. Great game, though it gets crazily hard around level 5(?) or 6.

olly said...

How do you record your games so professionally?
Btw I love all of the shapes, the combination of swastikas and big stars with that grainy film over everything makes it look like some kind of propaganda movie

James said...

I've just watched that trailer twice and admit to having very little idea how the game is played. Are you supposed to hit the button when one of the glowing bars sweeps over a box?

hydra9 said...

James: You control the lines spreading from the center of the screen. Hitting the button changes which way you're heading (by 90 degrees, clockwise). The aim of each level is to hit all of the white boxes (and not get hit by anything else ;)) said...

Love it! So nice to play a fresh feeling one-switch game. Looks great too. By the way - it works with CPU Killer if you want to slow it down to make it a bit easier.

One suggestion - really like the title page - would be happy to have that playing constantly until you press SPACE to start. Also - if you could make the game playable with the LEFT MOUSE CLICK too this would hit all the standards I'd love to see re accessibility...

Brilliant work! Can't wait to see what else turns up for Gamma IV.

Anonymous said...

I donated yesterday, but haven't received a link yet. My email is axel_bostrom (at), I can forward my paypal receipt if you need it.

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Anonymous said...

donate 2 u so you can make more crap games!!!??? AHAHAHAH!!!

Anonymous said...

^Fuck off.

cactus said...

You don't like crap games?

Anonymous said...

i think i didn't get the link. Or is 5$ too little, i can´t spare that much? my mail is diebuche (at) gmail ...

phubans said...

Man, you're not even trying to hide your Nazi ways anymore, are you? Anyways, this looks pretty cool but I doubt it will stand a chance against what I'm entering ;) You should send me a demo the next time I'm online!

<3, Paul

DINCA said...

I'm willing to donate — I'm new to these indie games and I have no idea if my Mac is compatible. If I get the download, is it compatible with MAC OS X 10.4.11?


DINCA said...

Also, what do I have to use to play this?

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Welcome to your said...

Congratulations!!! You've got a well deserved place in the Gamma IV final. Great stuff.

C. Saborío said...

Man you should get this

And there are lots of music under Creative Commons that you could use in a legit way... But you can't beat the groove of the one your are using now haha.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it's cool to steal Vitalic's song like this...taking donations. You don't even give him credit for the music.

It's one thing (tho still illegal) to use music without permission in something you're also giving away. It really is something completely different to use someone else's creative work and take money for it. Especially when it's unchanged and uncredited.

Like Carlos says, you gotta use something under CC here.

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Hey ,
It's one thing to use music without permission in something you're also giving away. It really is something completely different to use someone else's creative work and take money for it.

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Man, you're not even trying to hide your Nazi ways anymore, are you? Anyways, this looks pretty cool but I doubt it will stand a chance against what I'm entering ;) You should send me a demo the next time I'm online!

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Thanks for this kindness ,I really hope the track in the trailer is included .

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